FolderIcon is a small utility which creates custom folder icons based on other files' icons. To use it, drag any application, control panel, desk accessory, or document, etc. onto FolderIcon and it will create a custom folder icon at the location you specify in the preferences (by default, the folder enclosing the file dragged). Note that the file which you use must have a non-generic icon. Also note that aliases are resolved by the Finder, so the enclosing folder of the original item will get the custom icon.
The system folder is an example of this type of custom icon. Another example is FolderIcon itself:
A custom folder icon created by FolderIcon for itself looks like this:
Note: FolderIcon requires System 7 and works best with applications/files which have a full complement of icons, especially ics4.
What's new in 2.1:
• With the scriptable Finder (System 7.5, or 7.1 with the Finder Scripting extension), you now have the option of changing the icon of the enclosing folder, instead of creating a new folder, which is what most people want in the first place. If your Finder isn't scriptable, then that option will be disabled in the Preferences dialog. Note: if you upgrade from a previous version, you'll get your original preferences. You may wish to change them to use this new functionality.
• If the file resides at the top level of a volume, then the volume icon will be changed, using the default floppy icon as a template. This is probably not what you want for a hard drive! The default Apple hard drive icon isn't really big enough to accommodate an embedded icon. Some hard drives have larger icons (a function of the SCSI driver), but there's no standards, so I'm open to suggestions here.
• If a file has a custom icon, that icon will be used in creating the folder icon.
• All volumes' desktops are now searched for icon information, not just the boot volume.
• The behavior of the Folderize event has changed slightly to allow for the enclosing folder option. If you specify a folder which already exists, the Folderize event will change the icon for that folder.
What was new in 2.0:
• Now supports non-Color QuickDraw machines (Plus, SE, Classic, PowerBook 100).
• Works better with B&W icons; if you have a color capable system, you'll now get color folder icons, even if the file you're folderizing doesn't have a color icon.
• Destination preferences: folders automatically created can appear on your desktop, in the same folder as the original, or on your startup volume.
• Configurable suffix: default is " ƒ", but you can have anything you like.
• Scriptable: supports standard AppleEvents, plus the Folderize event:
folderize sourceFile into destinationFolderName
The included example script "Apple Folderize" shows how you might use this functionality. I don't consider this script to be particularly useful (it's just an example), but someone who likes having a scrolling Apple menu might like it.
For what it's worth, FolderIcon is also factored and recordable.
-- Scott Lindsey <,>
FolderIcon is copyright 1993-1995 by Scott Lindsey. It is neither a product of nor is supported by Claris Corporation or Apple Computer, Inc. This program is freely distributable. Re-distribution as a part of a collection or other publication is permissable provided there is no incremental cost to the customer and the author receives notification of intent to re-distribute.